How To Make A White Themed Bathroom Look Interesting

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We all know that using white as wall paint for your bathroom makes it look instantly elegant and give off the illusion of more space than it actually have. But if you’re the type who can’t stand the blandness that white rooms sometimes gives off, there are ways to still make the room look exciting while enjoying the benefits of white paint.

Use Plants
Indoor herbs or plants are great. The space on your bathroom window is enough for tiny pots to be displayed, plus this allows you to have natural ornaments that act as organic air freshener and insecticides too. Not to mention breathe life into seemingly stale all-white and boring space. Just remember to choose plants that don’t easily wilt.

Pick A Single Statement
One object with a major ‘wow’ factor can be enough to give a bathroom a unique edge. The neutral tones of this cool and pristine bathroom are necessary to offset the wholly unexpected large-scale artwork that steals the show.

Incorporate Natural Materials
Instead of man-made materials for your walls, floors and vanity, how about you consider natural ones like hardwood, bamboo, cork, stone, etc. to give your bathroom more character? There can be just as great materials and bring a little texture to an all-white bathroom.

Widen Windows
Usually bathrooms only have one tiny window which is often placed higher than the occupants of the house because it was intended for ventilation and not for viewing outside scenery. Because if you live in an area where the houses are close to each other, it’s understandable that it’d be uncomfortable to have bigger windows. But if your neighbors aren’t that close to your house and your place has a really nice view, widening your bathroom windows is a good idea. Not only that it allows more natural light in your bathroom, but it also lets breeze and fresh air when you open them, especially on really hot days. Doing this make it seem like you have a really nice and big artwork hanging on the wall. This allows you to indulge on a nice outdoor view than stare at white walls when taking a bath or doing your business.

Choose The Right Tile Layout
Just because you’re using white tiles doesn’t mean it has to look like any other white bathrooms. You can do brick layout, vertical brick, stacked, herringbone, basket weave, or even use solid slabs instead of opting for a tile pattern. It may not seem much but by simply doing something different with the way you install your bathrooms tiles can give a huge impact on the overall look of the room especially if you really go for unusual ones.

Update Your Sanitary Wares And Fittings
Okay, this may be not the cheapest option when giving your bathroom a makeover. But, if you’ve been living in the same house for 5 to 10 years or more, then chances are that you sanitary wears already have scratches, discoloration, or nicks and chips around the edges especially if you share the same bathroom with other family members. That with an all-white walls, it can make you feel like you’re in an old run down hospital bathroom which never feels relaxing at all. While you’re at it, why not go for unique-designed sanitary wares and fittings to avoid making the room look stale? Fullsun’s TOTO products have several series of toilets, basins, bathtubs, taps, and showers that you can choose from. You can rest assured that all the products are not only high quality but also stylish.

Visit our website at or reach us at 62950966 and we’d gladly help you with anything you need!