4 Things To Remember When Picking Bathroom Sink

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Choosing sanitary wares and fittings for your bathroom may not seem all that complicated because you just have to pick what you like, right? Actually, that’s not all there is to it. You have to consider a lot of thing to make sure that you made the suitable choice for you and your home. This is true even for something seemingly as mundane as a bathroom sink, where in fact it’s one of the most used sanitary ware in the bathroom along with toilet and bath.

1. Know Your Style
Are you trying to go for a specific theme for your bathroom? If that’s the case, you have to figure out the style that you like best so that you can choose a sink that goes well with that. Be it rustic or classic theme, Fullsun’s TOTO products have several series that you can choose from. You can rest assured that all the products are not only high quality but also stylish.

2. Know Your Options
Knowing what options you have will make it easier for you to decide because you can compare them with each other and learn which among them fits your requirements. Do not limit yourself with what the famous brands or the cheapest possible bathroom sink. There are wall mounted sinks, counter mounted sinks, floor mount or freestanding sink, console sink, and vanity top sinks. Know what kind fits well for your bathroom.

3. Think About Space And Budget Limitation
Even if you badly want a double vanity, you’d have to choose another one if the space you have in your bathroom isn’t enough to house that. You also have to consider if you can actually afford the sink that you want to buy. Remember that if you have a budget to work around, you can’t just buy a sink that’s worth an entire bathroom. Know your limitations, accept them, and find alternatives.

4. Choose Colors
If you like to keep your space looking elegant and spacious, you can never go wrong with all-white sanitary wares. But if you just need color, study up on the color palettes to learn the colors that go well together. Low-contrast combos such as taupes, beiges and tans will create a casual, classic bathroom style that can be dressed up with colorful accessories.

5 Steps Of Fitting A Vanity Unit

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A worn-out sink and vanity can really be a sore thumb. Opt for a new sink or vanity as this one change can make a big difference. Vanity’s often take center stage in a bathroom and help bring in a bit of style and form. You’ll be glad to know replacing them is probably easier than you think.

1. Remove The Old Sink
Fitting any sanitary wares and fittings to your bathroom is so much easier with a clear spot. So if you’re planning to install a new vanity unit, start by removing the old sink. This way nothing is in the way and you can make adjustment accurately. But before you hack off anything, don’t forget to switch off the water supply and disconnect the water supplies for the hot and cold valves and basin waste. Afterwards, inspect if the basin is screwed to the wall or fitted with sealant. If it’s the first one, you simply have to remove the screw to detach the sink from the wall, but if it’s the latter you either use a sealant remover or apply heat to the sealant to soften it to make the silicone sealant easier to slice with a blade.

2. Positioning The Vanity Unit
Keep in mind who use the bathroom when positioning the vanity unit. This way you can prevent fitting it too high or too low. If it’s just you, then all you have to do is stand in there to see how high or low you want it to be. But if you share it with other family members like children or those who use wheel chair, you might want to take their reach into consideration.

Use a pencil to mark the edges. If the vanity unit has an open back to allow for the pipework you can make a start on fitting it. If it has a closed back, you will need to cut holes so the pipes can fit into the vanity unit.

3. Fitting The Vanity Unit To The Wall
Double check the marks you’ve made on the wall to ensure they are level. Make sure there’s no difference between the position of the pipes and the holes in the back of the vanity unit by placing it against the wall. If all matches up you can begin to fit the vanity unit. Locate the wall studs before screwing the vanity unit into the wall. Drill into the studs and fit the unit to the wall making sure it’s securely attached before installing the basin. Once fitted to the wall, use a spirit level to ensure it’s perfectly level.

4. Fitting The Basin To The Vanity Unit
If you don’t want to struggle fitting the basin, install the tap and waste first. Then it will be easier to fit the basin into the vanity unit. Place and align the basin on top of the vanity unit. To avoid water damage, apply silicone sealant to the gap between the basin and the vanity unit to create water tight seal. This sealant usually takes 24 hours to set, so if you share bathroom with other family members or roommates, remind them not to use the unit for at least a day.

5. Check For Leaks
Always double check for leaks before running the water supply. You don’t want to redo everything and waste all the work you’ve done because you didn’t want to bother checking. Switch the water back on, run the tap and check the connections between the tap, drain and pipework. If there are no leaks and everything is secure, you’ve successfully fitted your vanity unit. While the silicone sealant is setting, avoid placing heavy objects on top of the unit.