Top 4 Shower Problems That May Ruin Your Shower Experience

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Traditionally, bathrooms were only needed for personal hygiene and excretion. However, times have changed which also altered how people view and utilizes their bathroom nowadays. Today, bathrooms have become a place where people retreat to when they want to relax and soak their stress away. However, you may come across some shower problems in the future that may make your shower experience stressful instead of relaxing. Here are some of them and some tips to solve the issue.

1. Low Water Pressure
It’s not only annoying to shower with the pressure so low you can barely wash your hands. It’s also a huge waste of time because you’ll have to take longer time just to be able to wash off all the suds off your body. You’ll notice that this usually happens when someone else uses a faucet or shower in the house while you’re also using it. This is because of the trunk-and-branch design that most plumbing have which basically means a large pipe (a “trunk”) runs from one end of the structure to the other, and smaller pipes “branch” off to individual fixture. So what happens is that when you’re on the shower and someone flushes the toilet, the water gets diverted and you end up with less water. There are a couple of solutions to this problem like increasing your pipe’s diameter or closing the supply valve to your toilet slightly. But, if the problem is with the showerhead itself, you may wanna consider replacing your showerhead. Just head over to Fullsun’s product section and you’ll see different types of showerheads, from shower column, fixed shower head, hand shower to shower fittings. Fullsun’s TOTO Technology even offers two shower heads which are the Aerial Shower and Aerial Pulse that promotes comfortable and enjoyable experience while reducing water consumption.

2. Clogged Drain
Clogging anywhere in the bathroom is never fun. But most of the time it only takes a second to fix it because it’s usually hair that accumulated in the drain that’s causing the clogging. You just have to remove that and place a hair catcher to avoid this in the future. But if you’ve removed the hair and it’s still clogging, you may need a bent wire to remove possible gunk that’s stuck in the pipe. Pouring vinegar through the drain helps too. If that’s still not working, time to whip out the good old plunger to get the job done.

3. Burst Of Hot Water
Do you know what’s worse than running out of water in the middle of showering? It’s getting scalded by a sudden rush of hot water! This could happen when someone else in the house flushes the toilet or uses a faucet, the cold water get redirected there and with less cold water “tempering” your hot water you end up with much hotter water than you’d like. Prevent this from happening again by installing high-efficiency toilets should help alleviate this problem by reducing the amount of water needed to flush them. Another fix involves installing a thermostatic mixing valve in your showers. This device will modulate the hot- and cold-water flows, whatever the usage by other fixtures, to keep the temperature of the shower consistently safe as well as comfortable.

4. Leaky Shower
A leaking shower may not seem as big deal but you’d be surprise with how much water it wastes in a day. 200 liters—Is the reported amount of water any leaking sanitary wares and fittings waste in a day. Not only that this waste a natural resource but it also means paying money for water you didn’t even use. So better fix them as soon as you notice any leak.

Visit us at to get some ideas or reach us at 62950966 and we’ll surely help you achieve the shower room you’ve always wanted!

Things That You Should Consider When Building Your Ideal Bathroom

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Having a functional bathroom is important but it doesn’t hurt to have hotel-ish looking one too. However, you have to remember that your bathroom isn’t solely for good social media photos. So to find the balance between creating a beautiful bathroom and achieving a well-functional one, here are some tips that you can follow.

Before You Buy
When creating a space, people tend to immediately jump into buying new stuff. I get it; this is the most exciting and fun part. However, you don’t wanna end up regretting and wasting money on sanitary wares and fittings that you won’t be able to use because they don’t fit your existing space. So before you go shopping, measure the space, take note of where the pipe work is and know that relocating them will increase overall cost. Design your bathroom first; this will make it easier for you to buy things.

Set A Budget
Sure it’s nice to have a fancy bathroom but is willing to shell out a lot of money just for the bathroom alone? What exactly is your allotted budget for your bathroom? Settle this before you go ordering fancy sanitary wares and fitting online. Work within your budget. You don’t wanna end up with a pile of credit card debt because you wanted a gold toilet bowl but with more than half of the bathroom unfinished.

Choose A Style
A contemporary bathroom will make a statement in a traditional home, while traditional suites add class and elegance to modern homes. It’s always a good idea to consider bathroom suites that will stand the test of time. Contemporary bathroom suites feature clean lines and strong shapes, which makes them a great option if you want to create a designer look. Traditional bathrooms evoke a sense of nostalgia and will always remain a classic favorite. Create the perfect traditional look with a roll top bath, high level toilet and classic crosshead taps. Choose a style that appeals to you yet still practical for everyday use.

Consider Your Requirements
Figure out what exactly you and your family needs in your bathroom. Look at your bathroom and figure out what you use on the daily basis, what needs replacement, what is hardly touched. Do not feel that you need to have a sauna room in your bathroom just because it’s trendy or looks good on other bathrooms if you know no one in the household will really use it.

Buying Sanitary Wares And Fittings

You can either buy the products individually or you can purchase a complete bathroom suite bundle, which can actually help you to save money.

· Bath
Think about who will be using the bath in your house. This will help you determine the kind of bath that will suit your bathroom.

· Shower
When choosing a shower, space is a major deciding factor. If you have a huge space, then a separate shower and bath is fine. But if you have a narrow space, you might have to opt for combined bath and shower or decide to just stick with a walk-in shower.

· Basin
Basin is one of the most fun things to shop for because there are a lot of different fancy designs to choose from. But, you would have to focus on the space you have and the overall look that you want to achieve in your bathroom. From there, you’d be able to choose the right basin for bathroom.

· Toilet
People assume there’s nothing much to consider when choosing a toilet. When in fact there’s a lot. Nowadays there are different designs that will be better suited to the space you have like wall-mounted toilets for small spaces. Aside from that, you can also find a toilet that includes a soft close seat to prevent accidental bangs, as well as a dual flush cistern to save water.

· Bathroom Vanity Units And Storage
Keeping your bathroom clutter-free is also important. There’s no point in having a hotel-like bathroom if it’ll only end up looking like a mess every time because there’s no space to store bathroom accessories and essentials. So carefully choose vanity units and storage that will cater to your needs.