Things You Should Start Practicing In The Bathroom To Maintain Proper Hygiene

Get to know these common hygiene mistakes and practice avoiding them in the future to ensure cleanliness and prevent getting sick along the way too.

The bathroom is one of the most used areas of the house but also undoubtedly can be the most germ-infested too. This is especially true if you fail to deep clean the area at least every week or so. That can’t be good, especially if you tend to overlook little things that bacteria love to thrive on. Get to know these common hygiene mistakes and practice avoiding them in the future to ensure cleanliness and prevent getting sick along the way too.

Know How To Brush And Floss Properly
As shocking as it may seem, not many people actually do both of these correctly. Your teeth require longer time to clean just like your hands. Remember that dentist recommends brushing twice a day for 2 minutes at a time. Aside from that, you should also floss thoroughly once a day to get rid of decay causing bacteria that the toothbrush bristles can’t reach.

Stop Using Cotton Swabs
Your ears produce earwax for multiple reasons: to keep dust and dirt away from your eardrum, to provide antibacterial protection, and more. As you chew or talk, your jaw helps move the wax away from your inner ear and outward, hence, wax in your ear canal. Using cotton swabs reverses that process, though, pushing wax further into the ear where it can get stuck. Instead of using cotton swabs (and risking hearing loss, pain, and infection), trust your ears, and let them clean themselves naturally. If you must, just clean the outer part of your ear but never your ear canal.

Avoid Using Toxic Cleaning Agents
You may not realize that you’re throwing harmful chemicals in the soil, bodies of water, or plants while cleaning your bathroom. Aside from that, you’re also exposing yourself to chemicals that could lead to asthma, allergies, birth defects and even cancer. Vinegar, baking soda, and borax are great alternative for conventional cleaning products.

Always Wear Bathroom Slippers
Even if it’s in your own bathroom, you shouldn’t be stepping in barefoot because you’re putting yourself at risk of nail fungal infection, athlete’s foot, plantar warts and staph infection. This is even more so if you’re using a shared bathroom. So it’s always a must that you protect your feet and wear bathroom slippers.

Wash Your Hands Thoroughly
Washing your hands should take you at least 20 seconds. If you usually do it shorter than that then you’re not doing it right and not sanitising your hands well. Start by wetting them under warm or cold water before applying soap. Then, lather for at least 20 seconds, scrubbing the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Don’t forget to rinse thoroughly too.

Switch Out Your Loofah Regularly
This is the same thing with the towels. Loofahs are also one of the favourite breeding spots of germs since they’re moist all the time and kept in dark place. To keep those from transferring on your body, make sure you disinfect it weekly and switch it out every three weeks if it’s a natural loofah. But if it’s a plastic one, it can be replaced every two months.

Get Into The Habit Of Washing Your Towels Every Week
Trying to get the most use out of your towels and linens to limit laundry and save water and electricity is okay. However, you should also know that the most uses that you can only hygienically get from them is up to 5 uses max. Continue using them beyond that and you’re basically patting or rubbing multitude of bacteria onto your body since they like to breed in moist and dark place.

Store Your Toothbrushes As Far Away From The Toilet As Possible
Do you know about the “aerosol effect” of germs when a toilet is flushed? This is when bacteria get projected into the air and surrounding surfaces whenever you flush the toilet. This is why it’s important to practice shutting the lid when flushing to prevent spreading germs all over the place. Having said that, if your toothbrush is too close to the toilet, you risk contaminating it in case you forgot to close the toilet lid before flushing.

Moreover, this is also why if you share only one bathroom as a family, it is encouraged to clean the toilet seat daily with a product specifically designed to reduce the spread of bacteria. But more than that, it would be even better if you replace your toilet with TOTO Tornado Flush toilet with completely new flushing system cleans and flushes both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually. Not to mention that CeFiONtect is a glaze applied to all TOTO ceramic products, including our toilets, leaving them with a long-lasting finish that prevents the build-up of mold, limescale and waste matter.

Visit us at to get some ideas or reach us at 62950966 and we’ll surely help you achieve the shower room you’ve always wanted!

More Tips And Tricks Towards A Greener Bathroom

You've probably know by now how beneficial washlets can be in your bathroom. It doesn't just completely eliminate the need for toilet paper which lessens

We all want a comfortable and functional bathroom but it also pays to be more conscious to the environment at the same time. You don’t have to try to do all of these tips but adapting one habit at a time can go a long way!

Try To Clean Up After Showering
This doesn’t have to be a full on deep cleaning like you do during weekends or so. Simply pulling the shower curtain close to avoid letting the water settle in the folds, hanging the towel/s you used to dry and/or wiping the shower walls with a squeegee are good practices to avoid mold buildup. This way, when it’s time for your weekly cleaning there’s less dirt to work on which also means less water and detergent consumed.

Opt For A Nontoxic Way To Scrub Your Tub
If you love taking baths, not only that you would want the tub to be clean all the time because you sit on it for at least an hour, you also want to avoid throwing out harsh chemicals to the earth every time you clean. To hit these two birds with one stone, non-toxic cleaning agents like vinegar, baking soda, and borax are great alternative for conventional cleaning products.

How To Unclog Shower heads
Shower heads gets clogged too because of the mineral deposits from the water. Now don’t bother trying to unclog yours by poking each hole hoping to loosen up the buildup. Instead, fill a plastic bag with undiluted white vinegar and place the bag over the head so it is submerged; secure and seal the bag with a rubber band. Soak overnight and then scrub the face with a toothbrush.

Learn To Clean Marbles Gently
Marble counter tops are the rage these days especially in the bathroom because it just looks so chic and expensive. But the problem with this material is that it can be easily stained, scratched and chipped. You don’t want that to happen to your Instagram-able bathroom, do you? So make sure you get your marble countertop coated with protective sealers to avoid staining. When it comes to cleaning, just wash the marble periodically with a cloth dampened with warm water, and, if necessary, a bit of mild dish washing liquid.

Swap Your Old Toilet
Maintaining and trying to repair an old toilet to work can be considered Eco-friendly, provided that the money and time you spent actually results to an efficient and comfortable toilet. If not, then you’re just wasting money and effort trying to salvage your old toilet.

If you’re experiencing recurring toilet problems. Then it’s time to replace it with a new and better one. Our new TOTO Tornado Flush toilet with completely new flushing system cleans and flushes both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually . Aside from that, tornado flushing also reduces the use of chemical cleansing, thus it is environmental friendly.

Eco-Friendly Towels
Typical towels use conventional cotton, a crop that accounts for about 25 percent of the world’s insecticide use, including some of the planet’s most hazardous chemicals. What’s more, manufacturers often use dyes derived from petroleum in a high-polluting process that leaves chemicals gushing into waterways, ravaging aquatic habitats, and clinging to the towels you bury your face in. Look for Eco-friendly organic cotton and bamboo towels made with plant-based or low-impact dyes.

Try To Learn At Least Basic Bathroom Repairs
Getting your leaking toilet and taps fixed as soon as possible saves you water, energy, and especially money for not paying for something you didn’t even use. But, you’ll save even more if you learn how to DIY simple plumbing fixes around your house. This means you won’t have to wait for a costly plumbing service (and let the leak go on until they arrive) but you also learn a new skill that allows you to be more self-sufficient that can really benefit you for the years to come.

Use Recycled Toilet Paper
You’ve probably know by now how beneficial washlets can be in your bathroom. It doesn’t just completely eliminate the need for toilet paper which lessens the trees getting cut, it also saves you money, improves your hygiene, lessens consumption of chemical toilet cleaner due to TOTO washlets has EWATER+ technology which is an antibacterial liquid, and saves energy usage because it records your habits and automatically select the best time for standby mode!

But, if you must have toilet paper in your bathroom for backup or whatever reason you deem important, you should at least go for recycled ones. This allows a more sustainable way to consume toilet paper since we would be able to save 423,900 trees in a year for replacing one roll of conventional toilet paper with a roll of 100-percent-recycled material in every household in US alone!

Make Homemade Air Freshener
Unpleasant bathroom odor is not only annoying but also embarrassing in case you have visitors. This is why most people find themselves grabbing a can of air freshener in attempt to not just eliminate the smell but to also make the house smell good.

But did you know that most store-bought air fresheners doesn’t eliminate the foul odor, it just overpower that smell. So the bad smell is still there but it’s simply being masked by the air freshener. The problem is that the scent that air freshener produces, though pleasant, can be dangerous to your health because they’re made up of chemical compounds. Most air freshener contain Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), benzene, formaldehyde, aerosol propellants, and allergens which can not only cause headaches and nausea but is also bad for those suffering from asthma.

This is where homemade air fresheners can help. Things like charcoal purifying bag contains activated charcoal that absorbs excess moisture to avoid the mold and bacteria which creates that mildew smell that we all hate. Mixing essential oils like lemon and lavender with a cup of water in a spray bottle so that you can spray every time someone went number 2 or just to keep the bathroom smell good.

Visit us at to get some ideas or reach us at 62950966 and we’ll surely help you get quality sanitary wares and fittings as well as accessories for your bathroom!

Things You Should Not Keep On Your Countertop

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We like having everything we need in the bathroom within our reach, which is probably why our countertops are always filled with a lot of stuff. However, you may wanna rethink that because apparently, some things should be off limits your countertop. This is due to the humid environment that bathrooms generally have which doesn’t work well with most of the items that we tend to use on our daily bathroom routine. Learn what those items are and start making adjustments on your entire grooming and cleaning habits.

You’re probably thinking, “Then, what is the medicine cabinet for?!” Well, heat and humidity, which the bathroom often is, can damage your medicines and reduce their effectivity. So it’s either you stay stubborn about keeping them in your medicine cabinet or take a safer route and store them in a cool and dry storage area.

It may be easier to keep your razor on your bathroom countertop, especially if you only use it in the shower or bath, but that may not be practical. The humidity in the bathroom makes the razor blades rusts and get dull quicker and easier than if you keep them in a cool and dry place.

This one may not make sense at first. Besides, you brush your teeth by the sink so it’s more logical to have it nearby right? However, there’s something called “aerosol effect” of germs when a toilet is flushed. This is when bacteria get projected into the air and surrounding surfaces whenever you flush the toilet. This is why it’s important to practice shutting the lid when flushing to prevent spreading germs all over the place. Having said that, if your toothbrush is too close to the toilet, you risk contaminating it in case you forgot to close the toilet lid before flushing. Better yet, if you or other family members keeps forgetting to shut the lid before flushing, why not switch to a toilet that does it automatically for you? Fullsun’s Neorest Toilet automatically opens and closes every use so you wouldn’t have to worry about spreading the germs and contaminating everything.

But if you’re confident about being able to stick with the habit of closing the toilet lid before flushing, another toilet option for you would be TOTO Tornado Flush toilet. With it’s completely new flushing system that cleans and flushes both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl, you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually every after use. Not to mention that CeFiONtect is a glaze applied to all TOTO ceramic products, including our toilets, leaving them with a long-lasting finish that prevents the build-up of mold, limescale and waste matter.

Makeup And Makeup Brushes
It’s okay to do your makeup in the bathroom, but you should always move your makeup and brushes in a cool and dry place when you’re done. Letting them sit on your countertop forever can breakdown your makeup and shorten its shelf life. As for brushes, it’s the same idea as for your toothbrushes. They becomes a perfect breeding place for bacteria and fungi because of the humidity.

Nail Polish
The heat of the bathroom will break down your nail polish and make it unusable. If you want your nail polish to last longer, you either keep them in room temperature or store them in your fridge because the cold prolongs their shelf life.

Extra Towels
Sure these are not on your countertop but they’re probably near it. Do you know why your towels smells funky when you haven’t even used them yet? That’s because they’re absorbing humidity in the bathroom without getting the chance to dry properly since they’re just stored in there. The solution? Just bring one in, dry yourself, then hang it to dry somewhere else. And keep your towels in a linen closet away from the bathroom.

Jewelry does not do well in a humid environment. Metals tarnish faster in humid environments than dry ones. So once you’re home and in your PJs, do yourself a favor and put your jewelry back into your jewelry box, which is ideally located in your bedroom.

Humid environment causes perfumes to oxidize faster. So instead of them lasting for at least around two years, they’ll end up going bad in less time than that. So you might wanna start moving your perfumes in your bedroom instead.

Tops Tips And Tricks To Get Rid Of Foul Smell Around The House

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Cigarette smoke, pet odor, lingering smell of food you cooked, bathroom stink, and mildew are just some of the most typical smells that can be challenging to get rid around the house. Sure you can clean and scrub surfaces but some foul scents often linger even after thorough cleaning. In cases like this, people often grab a can of air freshener in attempt to not just eliminate the smell but to also make the house smell good. However, frequent use and exposure to this could actually be harmful to your health.

Using air fresheners doesn’t eliminate the foul odor, what it does is overpower that smell. So the bad smell is still there but it’s simply being masked by the air freshener. The problem is that the scent that air freshener produces, though pleasant, can be dangerous to your health because they’re made up of chemical compounds. Most air freshener contain Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), benzene, formaldehyde, aerosol propellants, and allergens which can not only cause headaches and nausea but is also bad for those suffering from asthma. Moreover, another hazardous chemical that’s been found in most air freshener is phthalates which is not good for pregnant women or those trying to conceive because this chemical have been linked to birth defects, hormonal changes, and even poor semen quality.

So are we just gonna live with unpleasant smell because air fresheners are bad? Of course not! We’ve found other ways to deal with that without compromising your health! Dig in and learn other ways to tackle household odors!

Place Used Fabric Softener Sheets In Storage Areas
Cabinets, cupboards, linen closet and even car interiors often have that ‘stored’ smell that isn’t necessarily bad but not good either. If you’re one of the people who is bothered by that, you can put used fabric softener sheets in those places. This way you’d be welcomed by a scented aroma whenever you open the doors to these areas.

Baking Soda Or Coffee Beans For Pet Odors
On the other hand, if you’re not interested in air fresheners and you simply wanna get rid of the awful pet smell, you can use coffee beans or baking soda. They may not make the area smell flowery or fruity or those kind of smell that store bought air freshener produces, but they absorb bad scent. You just have to place coffee beans in a mesh covered jar or a can half filled with baking soda in pet areas and that will do the trick.

A Better Toilet Helps With The Lingering Smell When Someone Went Number 2
If there’s anything worse than pee smell, that’s poo smell. It stinks which is why it’s so important to flush really well to make sure everything’s been washed out. The thing is, sometimes regular toilets with flush don’t do that well. For that, it’s probably a good idea to consider opting for TOTO Tornado Flush toilet that allows you to flush both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually. If you’re still worried about the smell especially when you have visitors coming over or you really just wanna be thorough, burning one or two match sticks eliminates the smell, trust me.

Vinegar And Baking Powder
These two ingredients are popular as all-purpose household cleaning agent. Not only because they’re combination can be tough on stains and grime, but also because they help deodorize the area that you clean using them. Just mix 1/3 cup of baking soda with 1/3 cup of vinegar. You’ll see that it will fizz as soon as you mix them together, so pour the mixture down the sink or any other area that needs some deep cleaning to not lose the fizzing action. This is because the fizzing is the one that breaks down the build up dirt and gunk. Leave that for an hour or overnight if you have time and flush with hot water.

Charcoal Air Purifier
There’s a reason why people put charcoal in their refrigerators or anywhere in the house that smells bad. Because charcoal absorbs odor! So instead of risking your health using typical air freshener, why not opt for charcoal air purifier? This works well because, this purifying bag contains activated charcoal that absorbs excess moisture to avoid the mold and bacteria which creates that mildew smell that we all hate.

New Tiles
Did you know that there are certain tiles that help maintain cleanliness, sanitation and even eliminate smell in the bathroom? Fullsun’s Hydrotect Tiles are self-cleaning because hydrotect is hydrophilic which means it forms a film of water on the tiles itself that helps easily remove dirt and grime once the water from the shower hits the tiles. Aside from that it also has anti-bacterial feature that kills bacteria when they come in contact with the tiles. But more importantly, Hydrotect Tiles helps you get rid of foul smell because when exposed to sunlight, the material reacts in a way that activated oxygen forms on the surface. As a result, pollutant that comes in contact with the active oxygen formed on the surface of the tiles turns into harmless materials which purifies the air. So, after using the bathroom, you may want to open the windows to let sunlight in.

5 Ways To Save More Water When Using The Bathroom

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Water is an essential for our everyday living, especially in the bathroom because everything you do in it requires water from taking a bath or shower, washing your face, brushing your teeth, going number 1 and 2 on the toilet, down to cleaning the entire space. But you should also remember that fresh water is not infinite so we have to do our share of water conservation if we don’t want to experience extreme water scarcity. Here are some tips that will help you conserve water in the bathroom.

1. Keep Your Sanitary Wares And Fittings Well-Maintained
A leaking toilet and taps may not seem as big deal but you’d be surprised with how much water it wastes in a day. 200 liters—Is the reported amount of water any leaking sanitary wares and fittings waste in a day. Not only that this waste a natural resource but it also means paying money for water you didn’t even use. So better fix them as soon as you notice any leak.

2. Consider Replacing Your Toilet
It would have been convenient if all your sanitary items, especially toilets, in your bathroom have a self-cleaning feature. Sadly, that doesn’t exist yet. But until then, think about how easy an item would be to clean before buying them. Otherwise, you’d end up swearing up and down while scrubbing the hell of your bathroom. TOTO toilet bowl’s rimless design helps ensure that dirt and bacteria aren’t able to collect in the first place. And because this toilet doesn’t accumulate that much dirt, it means you won’t have to clean it as often which saves water in return.

Moreover, Our new TOTO Tornado Flush toilet with completely new flushing system cleans and flushes both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually .Not to mention that CeFiONtect is a glaze applied to TOTO ceramic products, including our toilets, leaving them with a long-lasting finish that prevents the build-up of mold, lime scale and waste matter. You’ll thank yourself you opted for TOTO toilet when you’ve had a long day and you don’t wanna worry about doing your business in the bathroom without cleaning up afterwards because otherwise your bathroom will look like a mess.

3. Switch Your Faucets To Water-Saving Ones
Traditional taps can use up to 10-15 liters of water per minute. In comparison, Fullsun’s TOTO EcoCap offer flow rate of as little as 3.6 liters per minute. It allows you to wash your hands without guilt because it significantly reduces water consumption. This is made possible by mixing air with water which saves water without any loss in stream volume.

Sometimes, people worry that while sensor taps may save water, it may also increase their energy usage. But with TOTO Self Power technology, accurate hand detection means only the minimum necessary amount of water is used, while located inside the unit is the second technology, a generator that harnesses the energy from water flowing through the tap to make the micro-sensor energy-self-sufficient.

4. Choose A Showerhead That Saves Water Without Compromising Shower Experience
Sometimes, the showerhead can make or break your shower experience. Just head over to Fullsun’s product section and you’ll see different types of showerheads, from shower column, fixed shower head, hand shower to shower fittings. Fullsun’s TOTO Technology even offers two shower heads which are the Aerial Shower and Aerial Pulse that promotes comfortable and enjoyable experience while reducing water consumption. Choose the one that most suitable for your needs as well as your bathroom’s overall appeal that you want to achieve.

5. Take A Shower Instead Of A Bath
It takes approximately 140 liters of water to fill a bathtub; a normal 5-minute shower will probably use 90 liters of water. By switching your showerhead to a product like Aerial Shower and Aerial Pulse showerhead you feel as though you’re standing below a particularly full stream without any increase in the amount of water being used. So you can reduce water consumption even while enjoying your shower experience.

Visit us at to get some ideas or reach us at 62950966 and we’ll surely help you choose the most suitable sanitary wares and fittings for your bathroom!

Reasons Why One Piece Toilet Is A Better Option Than Two Piece Toilets

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It can be a little off-putting to choose between a one piece and a two piece toilet because they basically save the same purpose and have a lot in common. But one piece toilets may have a few advantages that you’ll find in handy especially when you think long term. Here are the reasons why it may be a good idea to opt for a one piece toilet.

You Don’t Run The Risk Of Ordering A Toilet With Each Piece Arriving Separately
Have you ever experienced ordering a 2-piece toilet only for each piece to arrive separately? This doesn’t seem too bad, that is unless they arrive a week or more apart from each other! If this happens to you, not only that you’ll have to take more than one day off to install it, but it also means you’ll have to use the toilet without the flush for an extended period of time. You won’t have these troubles if you go for the 1-piece system that is ready to go and shipped as is.

It Is Easier To Clean
Due to the fact that 1-piece toilets doesn’t come with a lot of nooks and crevasses means cleaning it would be a lot faster and easier. You know you’ll be able to reach the entire toilet to scrub so bacteria won’t have a chance to hide and grow. Aside from that TOTO One Piece toilet comes with advanced cleaning technologies such as Tornado Flush and CeFiOntect that ensures the toilet remains stain-free with minimal cleaning.

You Save A Couple Of Inches In Bathroom Space
With one piece toilets, the tank is connected and sits lower on the bowl which makes this type of toilet generally smaller compared to 2-piece ones. A couple of inches may not seem like such a big difference in saved space but if you already run low on square footage in your bathroom, those few inches can go a long way.

It’s More Durable
Since 1-piece toilets are 1 solid piece of ceramic, fewer of the pipes and flushing elements are exposed. That protects them from outside elements, such as excess moisture. As with most equipment, the fewer separate parts that comprise it, the more durable it proves to be.

Price Points
Sure, 2-piece toilets may be cheaper because 1-piece toilets are newer technology which tends to come at a higher price tag. However, since 1-piece toilets are more solidly constructed, it becomes more durable so you’re less likely to be replacing it as often as you would with 2-piece ones. As a result, you get to save more money in the long run by opting for a 1-piece toilet.

Easier To Install
Since you are only dealing with a single piece, installing a 1-piece toilet is generally easier than its 2-piece counterpart.

Visit us at to get some ideas or reach us at 62950966 and we’ll surely help you get quality sanitary wares and fittings as well as accessories for your bathroom!

Dos And Don’ts Of Maintaining Ceramic Items In The Bathroom

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Most bathrooms are composed of ceramic sanitary wares and other porcelain accessories. This is because these materials tend to be the easiest one to clean. However, you have to know the proper way to clean and take care of them to prevent causing premature wear and tear. Here are some dos and don’ts that will help guide you.


· Sometimes, something as simple as sweeping the floor can be overlooked. But this is an important thing to do every now and then to void grounding the dirt to the tile and grout.

· After sweeping, you should follow it up with mopping especially if there’s some splashed water. This keeps the tiles shiny all the time.

· If you have heavy item or furniture in the bathroom, it would be best to attach protective pads on the feet or bottom of the furniture. This will prevent chipping, scratching, and digging into the tiles especially when trying to move things around.

· When it comes to your countertops, it’s important that you immediately and regularly wipe it clean especially when you spill something on it. For deep cleaning, let the disinfectant to sit on the countertop for a several minutes in order to kill the pathogens before rinsing it off.

· You should begin with a liquid toilet bowl cleaner and let it sit to dissolve and kill the germs. You should then take your sturdy bowl brush and give it a good scrub. Disinfecting the toilet is easy enough with a simple disinfecting spray or an all-purpose cleaner. You should spray the toilet rim, seat, lid, tank, and bowl exterior. But if you want this part to be easier, and minimize the usage of toilet cleaners, consider replacing your toilet with TOTO Tornado Flush toilet with completely new flushing system cleans and flushes both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually every after use. Not to mention that CeFiONtect is a glaze applied to all TOTO ceramic products, including our toilets, leaving them with a long-lasting finish that prevents the build-up of mold, limescale and waste matter.


· To avoid scratching the tiles and turning them dull, don’t use Steel Wool or abrasive powders when cleaning it.

· Avoid using cleaning agents with acids because it can damage both the finish on the tile as well as the grout.

· Prevent changing of color in your tiles grout, don’t use bleach or ammonia when cleaning.

· You should not use an excessive amount of water to clean the tiles. If you use too much or let the water sit for too long, it can (and probably will) hurt the grout and/or underlay of the floor.

· You should not let food or grease sit on tiling for any amount of time. If you let them sit, you could end up causing a stain on the tile.

Visit our website at or reach us at 62950966 and we’d gladly help you with anything you need!

Reasons Why Better Sanitary Ware Design Is Crucial In Hospitals

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If most household take a considerable amount of time when designing their bathrooms, it’s even more crucial for hospitals especially when it comes to sanitary wares and fittings. This is because choosing sanitary ware and fittings for hospital use can literally be a life or death decision and is a responsible decision to make. The need to deliver water and remove waste efficiently, reduce cross infection and cater for the physical limitations of patients demands a lot from every sanitary installation.

Our Heorte Studio is our showroom that specially showcases sanitary products suitable for the elderly, disabled and even patients in hospitals. Through our years of providing sanitary products to various hospital projects, we have come to realize that information about sanitary care products for the elderly, disabled and patients are very limited, not only in Singapore but even in the region. To better understand why this is such a big deal, here are some factors that would explain this further.

To Avoid Spreading Bacteria And Viruses
Did you know that splashing of water when taps run into clinical basins causes spreading of bacteria and viruses into the air, onto the face, clothing and the surrounding area, such as hospital beds? This may seem like a simple issue but sometimes it can also be the most difficult to solve. While a good product design is important, the material and the overall execution of the hospital sanitary facility play a big role too in effectively reducing spread of infection.

Ease Of Cleaning Means Increased Hygiene
To ensure cleanliness all the time, regular cleaning is required for hospital bathrooms especially in wards where a number of patients usually share one bathroom. But this becomes difficult when the sanitary wares and fittings aren’t designed with ease of cleaning in mind. In Fullsun, we provide several different series of high quality Louis Grab Bars which are not only highly durable, but are also made of heavy duty reinforce aluminum pipe internally and covered with nylon that has antibacterial features to make it more difficult for bacteria to cling to the surface.

Aside from that our TOTO Tornado Flush toilet allows you to flush both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually. Moreover, we also have TOTO toilet bowl’s rimless design that helps ensure that dirt and bacteria aren’t able to collect in the first place.

To Prevent Slips And Falls
Grab bars increase accessibility and safety for people with a variety of disabilities or mobility difficulties. Louis Grab Bars, for that matter, can come in handy as it provides extra stability, minimizing the tendency to slip on any wet surface. Installing them near the toilet allows them to have something to hold on to when sitting or getting off the seat too. This is also why Louis Shower Seat is being used in hospitals so that patients who can’t stand too long can shower while sitting comfortably without any risk of slipping.

To Better Accommodate Elderly, Disabled, And/Or Wheelchair Bound Patientsf
While some patients are okay with their family or hospital staffs assisting them whenever they need to use the bathroom, there are some who like to be as independent as possible. Fullsun’s, TOTO Wall Hung LW137Y/ LW136HFY hand wash basin with half pedestal is designed to enable better grip for wheelchair user. Even our shower set comes with exposed shower mixer with indicator of high visibility, hand shower; shower hose with anti-twist features and sliding rail is great for those with mobility difficulties to maneuver easily themselves in the shower while minimizing their movement to avoid accidents.

To Enable Hand Free Usage
People try to avoid touching anything in the bathroom, especially in public ones, to avoid cross contamination. This i s why TOTO sensor taps and TOTO sensor flush valve are perfect for hospitals. Because they don’t just conserve water but they also enable hand-free usage.

If you are interested in any of our products or have any inquiries, please feel free to stop by our studio. We have invested in this studio to allow our customers to have a look and feel into the possible sanitary products available in the market, including our past projects that we have set-up in various hospitals. We hope that through this studio, our customers will have a better understanding of the sanitary ware and products that we are able to provide, in order to maximize the experience and environment of patients regardless of differences in treatment requirements and/or physical challenges.

Visit our website at or reach us at 62950966 and we’d gladly help you with anything you need!

Habits To Develop In Order To Keep Your Bathroom Cleaner Longer

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While it’s not advisable that you forgo thorough cleaning in the bathroom for too long, there are some things that you can do to keep dirt build up to a minimum. This way you don’t just enter the bathroom with a little bit of peace of mind every time, it also keeps you from needing to clean more often than you have to. Practice the following habits and steps and you’ll soon enjoy your day offs more instead of spending them cleaning the house and bathroom all day.

Keep Disinfectant Handy
This means not just for your hands but as well as for the surfaces in your bathroom especially the toilet. This way you can always wipe the sink and counter as well as the toilet seat after every use. You can even wipe the door handles periodically especially if you have a big household that shares one bathroom.

Add A Spray Bottle To Your Shower Necessities
Apart from disinfectant, having a spray bottle of water mixed with tea tree oil will come in handy too. Spray that on the faucet, shower head, and shower walls after showering and it will help prevent mold growth and soap scum buildup that usually takes time to take off when you’re doing a deep cleaning in your bathroom after a week or two. Doing this will make it easier and faster to clean those usually tough areas by then.

Stand Away From The Mirror When Brushing Your Teeth
Do you often see the bathroom mirror or cloudy and dull? That’s often due to the toothpaste bubbles that get thrown on the mirror when people brush their teeth while standing too close to the mirror. This can be avoided by taking a step back and bowing your head so that you’re facing the sink instead of the mirror when you’re brushing your teeth.

Keep The Floor Dry
Sure it’s just water, but letting your bathroom floors pooled with water all the time stains the tiles overtime especially when the water is mixed with soap. Aside from the cleanliness, keeping the floor dry along with installing high quality Louis Grab Bars from Fullsun also reduces the risks of slips and falls when climbing out of the bath or shower.

Consider Installing Washlets In Your Toilet
Because of the EWATER+ technology that comes with the TOTO washlet, the water that get sprayed on the bowl and nozzle, 99.9% of the bacteria on the toilet bowl is eliminated every time you use the toilet. Moreover, since the washlet can be easily removed and there are no hidden crevices, cleaning it is very effortless. Aside from that, did you know that a person uses an average of 81 rolls of toilet paper which is equals to $243 a year on toilet paper? That’s literally flushing your money down the drain! But with TOTO washlet, after the initial investment on it, you will save about $182 a year which increases depending on how many household members you have.

If You Made A Mess, Wipe Right Away
If you shaved make sure you don’t just leave the hairs sitting on the sink or counter. If you do your makeup in the bathroom every time, make sure you wipe that foundation powder or the bits of eye shadow that fall off your brush and on the counter when you’re done instead of letting those things accumulate.

Consider Slowing Replacing Your Sanitary Wares
You use bath, basin, and toilet every day, which is why it’s no surprise that they accumulate dirt and grime in a short amount of time. Replacing them with ones that comes with features that allows them to be cleaned easier would be a wise investment. Take toilet for example, while the typical flush toilet may be cheaper, it would be a lot more cost-effective to buy TOTO Tornado Flush toilet that allows you to flush both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually especially when someone went number two. This doesn’t just keep your toilet clean longer but it also minimizes the time you spend on cleaning it.

Visit us at or reach us at 62950966 and we may just be able to provide you solutions for your bathroom dilemmas.

6 Things Most People Hate About Sharing A Bathroom With Someone

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Moving out of your parents’ house and living independently can be liberating and come with a lot of perks. But it can also be an awakening moment for you, especially when you start to realize all the things you’ve been taking for granted before. This is even more the case if you live with a roommate or even with your partner and their living habits starts to annoy you especially in the bathroom. Here are just some of the things that you’ll definitely hate about sharing a bathroom with someone.

1. “Forgetting” To Flush
Entering the bathroom with that overwhelming smell of pee is never pleasant. Sure you can let that go during those early mornings where people are usually still half asleep-half-awake. But when it happens all the time, this can really get on your nerves. So it’s best to talk it out with your roommate to avoid any more episodes in the future.

2. Spit Or Phlegm In The Sink
Sometimes, the sink doesn’t wash everything down. Sure it’s gross, but if this doesn’t happen every single time you need to use the sink just let it go and run the faucet again to wash it down. But now you understand why your mom used to yell at you all the time about the bathroom.

3. The Lingering Smell When Someone Went Number 2
If there’s anything worse than pee smell, that’s poo smell. It stinks which is why it’s so important to flush really well to make sure everything’s been washed out. The thing is, sometimes regular toilets with flush don’t do that well. For that, it’s probably a good idea to talk to your roommate about opting for TOTO Tornado Flush toilet that allows you to flush both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually. If you’re still worried about the smell especially when you have visitors coming over or you really just wanna be thorough, burning one or two match sticks eliminates the smell, trust me.

4. Pee Splatter
If you live with a guy, you’re bound to encounter this at least a couple of times. To handle this you really have to be firm whether he’s a friend/family/romantic partner. Talk to him and explain that you two are sharing a house and a bathroom which means you also share the responsibility of keeping the space clean. So whoever made a mess should clean after themselves.

5. Not Contributing To The Bathroom Expenses
Speaking of sharing, this is also applicable when it comes to bathroom expenses like toilet paper, cleaning agents or materials and repairs. This should be discussed as soon as you move in together to avoid confusions and/or disagreements in the future. It can be really frustrating if either one of you ends up buying toilet paper all the time or paying for repairs. If you’re tired of the “who’s going to buy the next toilet paper” standoff, talk to your roommate and consider getting a washlet for the toilet. This isn’t just more hygienic, but it also eliminates the need for toilet paper, plus it prevents toilet clogging you’re no longer flushing toilet paper.

6. Using Your Products All The Time Without Even Asking
It’s fine if your roommate just run out of his or her products. However, if he or she just uses your products on a daily basis without any effort to buy his or her own or replace those of yours it can really make your blood boil. If discussing your concern with your roommate doesn’t help, time to start using small basket for all your toiletries so that you can just bring it with you to the bathroom and back to your room when you’re done. And always lock your room to avoid this problem.

Visit us at or reach us at 62950966 and we may just be able to provide you solutions for your bathroom dilemmas.