Habits To Develop In Order To Keep Your Bathroom Cleaner Longer

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While it’s not advisable that you forgo thorough cleaning in the bathroom for too long, there are some things that you can do to keep dirt build up to a minimum. This way you don’t just enter the bathroom with a little bit of peace of mind every time, it also keeps you from needing to clean more often than you have to. Practice the following habits and steps and you’ll soon enjoy your day offs more instead of spending them cleaning the house and bathroom all day.

Keep Disinfectant Handy
This means not just for your hands but as well as for the surfaces in your bathroom especially the toilet. This way you can always wipe the sink and counter as well as the toilet seat after every use. You can even wipe the door handles periodically especially if you have a big household that shares one bathroom.

Add A Spray Bottle To Your Shower Necessities
Apart from disinfectant, having a spray bottle of water mixed with tea tree oil will come in handy too. Spray that on the faucet, shower head, and shower walls after showering and it will help prevent mold growth and soap scum buildup that usually takes time to take off when you’re doing a deep cleaning in your bathroom after a week or two. Doing this will make it easier and faster to clean those usually tough areas by then.

Stand Away From The Mirror When Brushing Your Teeth
Do you often see the bathroom mirror or cloudy and dull? That’s often due to the toothpaste bubbles that get thrown on the mirror when people brush their teeth while standing too close to the mirror. This can be avoided by taking a step back and bowing your head so that you’re facing the sink instead of the mirror when you’re brushing your teeth.

Keep The Floor Dry
Sure it’s just water, but letting your bathroom floors pooled with water all the time stains the tiles overtime especially when the water is mixed with soap. Aside from the cleanliness, keeping the floor dry along with installing high quality Louis Grab Bars from Fullsun also reduces the risks of slips and falls when climbing out of the bath or shower.

Consider Installing Washlets In Your Toilet
Because of the EWATER+ technology that comes with the TOTO washlet, the water that get sprayed on the bowl and nozzle, 99.9% of the bacteria on the toilet bowl is eliminated every time you use the toilet. Moreover, since the washlet can be easily removed and there are no hidden crevices, cleaning it is very effortless. Aside from that, did you know that a person uses an average of 81 rolls of toilet paper which is equals to $243 a year on toilet paper? That’s literally flushing your money down the drain! But with TOTO washlet, after the initial investment on it, you will save about $182 a year which increases depending on how many household members you have.

If You Made A Mess, Wipe Right Away
If you shaved make sure you don’t just leave the hairs sitting on the sink or counter. If you do your makeup in the bathroom every time, make sure you wipe that foundation powder or the bits of eye shadow that fall off your brush and on the counter when you’re done instead of letting those things accumulate.

Consider Slowing Replacing Your Sanitary Wares
You use bath, basin, and toilet every day, which is why it’s no surprise that they accumulate dirt and grime in a short amount of time. Replacing them with ones that comes with features that allows them to be cleaned easier would be a wise investment. Take toilet for example, while the typical flush toilet may be cheaper, it would be a lot more cost-effective to buy TOTO Tornado Flush toilet that allows you to flush both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually especially when someone went number two. This doesn’t just keep your toilet clean longer but it also minimizes the time you spend on cleaning it.

Visit us at https://www.fullsun.com.sg/ or reach us at 62950966 and we may just be able to provide you solutions for your bathroom dilemmas.

6 Things Most People Hate About Sharing A Bathroom With Someone

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Moving out of your parents’ house and living independently can be liberating and come with a lot of perks. But it can also be an awakening moment for you, especially when you start to realize all the things you’ve been taking for granted before. This is even more the case if you live with a roommate or even with your partner and their living habits starts to annoy you especially in the bathroom. Here are just some of the things that you’ll definitely hate about sharing a bathroom with someone.

1. “Forgetting” To Flush
Entering the bathroom with that overwhelming smell of pee is never pleasant. Sure you can let that go during those early mornings where people are usually still half asleep-half-awake. But when it happens all the time, this can really get on your nerves. So it’s best to talk it out with your roommate to avoid any more episodes in the future.

2. Spit Or Phlegm In The Sink
Sometimes, the sink doesn’t wash everything down. Sure it’s gross, but if this doesn’t happen every single time you need to use the sink just let it go and run the faucet again to wash it down. But now you understand why your mom used to yell at you all the time about the bathroom.

3. The Lingering Smell When Someone Went Number 2
If there’s anything worse than pee smell, that’s poo smell. It stinks which is why it’s so important to flush really well to make sure everything’s been washed out. The thing is, sometimes regular toilets with flush don’t do that well. For that, it’s probably a good idea to talk to your roommate about opting for TOTO Tornado Flush toilet that allows you to flush both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually. If you’re still worried about the smell especially when you have visitors coming over or you really just wanna be thorough, burning one or two match sticks eliminates the smell, trust me.

4. Pee Splatter
If you live with a guy, you’re bound to encounter this at least a couple of times. To handle this you really have to be firm whether he’s a friend/family/romantic partner. Talk to him and explain that you two are sharing a house and a bathroom which means you also share the responsibility of keeping the space clean. So whoever made a mess should clean after themselves.

5. Not Contributing To The Bathroom Expenses
Speaking of sharing, this is also applicable when it comes to bathroom expenses like toilet paper, cleaning agents or materials and repairs. This should be discussed as soon as you move in together to avoid confusions and/or disagreements in the future. It can be really frustrating if either one of you ends up buying toilet paper all the time or paying for repairs. If you’re tired of the “who’s going to buy the next toilet paper” standoff, talk to your roommate and consider getting a washlet for the toilet. This isn’t just more hygienic, but it also eliminates the need for toilet paper, plus it prevents toilet clogging you’re no longer flushing toilet paper.

6. Using Your Products All The Time Without Even Asking
It’s fine if your roommate just run out of his or her products. However, if he or she just uses your products on a daily basis without any effort to buy his or her own or replace those of yours it can really make your blood boil. If discussing your concern with your roommate doesn’t help, time to start using small basket for all your toiletries so that you can just bring it with you to the bathroom and back to your room when you’re done. And always lock your room to avoid this problem.

Visit us at https://www.fullsun.com.sg/ or reach us at 62950966 and we may just be able to provide you solutions for your bathroom dilemmas.

9 Reasons Why You Need Washlets In Your Bathroom

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Instead of settling with the traditional toilet paper or taking a chance on hand held sprays, here are the reasons why you should definitely opt for TOTO washlet in your bathroom!

1. They’re Hygienic
When your hands are dirty, you clean them using water. Then it only make sense that when it comes to cleansing down there, water is also the best since it is faster, cleaner, and more effective than toilet paper.

2. Saves You Money
Did you know that a person uses an average of 81 rolls of toilet paper which is equals to $243 a year on toilet paper? That’s literally flushing your money down the drain! But with TOTO washlet, after the initial investment on it, you will save about $182 a year which increases depending on how many household members you have.

3. Eco-Friendly
Since TOTO washlets has EWATER+ technology which is an antibacterial liquid, you no longer need to use any other chemical when cleaning the toilet. Aside from that, they’re also equipped with energy saver timer which records your habits and automatically select the best time for standby mode which ultimately saves energy.

4. Health Benefits
Washlets can help people with certain conditions or health problems. With enough pressure, or with specialized nozzle tips, washlets can help relieve some of the discomfort that comes from these sorts of issues. Additionally, since some washlets come with a drier, those with swollen or painful areas will never have to suffer the pain of rough toilet paper again.

5. Luxury
By purchasing a high end, top quality washlet you cannot only complement your established motif, but add value to it as well. They’re the ultimate bathroom upgrade. Everyone has a toilet, sink, and shower in their bathroom, but hardly anyone has a washlet. People will be awed and impressed if they walk into your bathroom and see a state-of-the-art washlet.

6. Prevents Clogging
People usually just flush toilet paper after using them. While that may seem common, it’s also means you’re reaching the limit of your septic tank faster than it should be if you’re using water to clean your nether regions. So with a washlet, you’re not only reducing the amount of waste you’re flushing but you’re also less likely to deal with clogging issues.

7. Low Maintenance
Because of the EWATER+ technology that comes with the TOTO washlet, the water that get sprayed on the bowl and nozzle, 99.9% of the bacteria on the toilet bowl is eliminated every time you use the toilet. Moreover, since the washlet can be easily removed and there are no hidden crevices, cleaning it is very effortless.

8. Added Comfort
Washlets comes with these features which are all intended for your comfort that hand held sprays or toilet paper definitely cannot give.

· Washlets comes with features such as Adjustable warm air dryer
· Auto powerful deodorizer activates after every usage
· Heated seat with temperature control
· New auto soft light function usable for night time usage
· Adjustable warm air dryer

9. They’re Cool
From wiping using toilet paper, you now can enjoy being able to clean and dry with a push of a button! It doesn’t get any cooler than that! Sure it may take some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it you definitely won’t be going back to toilet paper again.

Interested in switching to a washlet now? Visit us at https://www.fullsun.com.sg/ to know more or reach us at 62950966 and we’ll gladly help you with anything you need!

Benefits Of Using Washlets For Your Bathroom

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Instead of settling with the traditional toilet paper or taking a chance on hand held sprays, here are the reasons why you should definitely opt for TOTO washlet in your bathroom!

It’s Very Low Maintenance
Because of the EWATER+ technology that comes with the TOTO washlet, the water that get sprayed on the bowl and nozzle, 99.9% of the bacteria on the toilet bowl is eliminated every time you use the toilet. Moreover, since the washlet can be easily removed and there are no hidden crevices, cleaning it is very effortless.

It’s Eco-Friendly
Since TOTO washlets has EWATER+ technology which is an antibacterial liquid, you no longer need to use any other chemical when cleaning the toilet. Aside from that, they’re also equipped with energy saver timer which records your habits and automatically select the best time for standby mode which ultimately saves energy.

Saves A Lot Of Space
TOTO washlets eliminated the need for hand held sprays as the nozzle is already attached within the toilet, therefore saving you from installing another fixture.

Added Comfort
Washlets comes with these features which are all intended for your comfort that hand held sprays definitely cannot give.

  • Washlets comes with features such as Adjustable warm air dryer.
  • Auto powerful deodorizer activates after every usage.
  • Heated seat with temperature control.
  • New auto soft light function usable for night time usage.
  • Adjustable warm air dryer

Improved Personal Hygiene
When your hands are dirty, you clean them using water. Then it only make sense that when it comes to cleansing down there, water is also the best since it is faster, cleaner, and more effective than toilet paper.

Safe To Use
Washlets are only activated when you sit on the toilet. Therefore, this eliminates accidental water splashing, which often happens with hand held sprays, that leads to slippery floors which can be dangerous in bathrooms.

Saves You Money In The Long Run
Did you know that a person uses an average of 81 rolls of toilet paper which is equals to $243 a year on toilet paper? That’s literally flushing your money down the drain! But with TOTO washlet, after the initial investment on it, you will save about $182 a year which increases depending on how many household members you have.

Interested in switching to a washlet now? Visit us at https://www.fullsun.com.sg/ to know more or reach us at 62950966 and we’ll gladly help you with anything you need!